Speaker Coaching

Become a larger-than-life leader and win the hearts, minds, and wallets of any audience on any stage.

I've worked with:

When you're serious about speaking

We meet, we sit down and come up with a plan so you can enhance your charismatic leadership presence. We identify and increase your authentic individual talents so you can:

Simplify your message and take your ideas to the world

Build buy-in, motivate the team, and achieve organisational goals

Polish the pitch, win the investors, and pursue your wildest dreams

Let nothing hold you back

As a leader, it’s easy to get stuck worrying about what people think of you and what you should be.

You might feel inauthentic and end up misaligned and out of rhythm with yourself.  

It can be difficult to break free of the stress, self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs that have been holding you prisoner.  

You have all the resources you need to succeed inside you. But it can be challenging to get out of your own way.

Lack of Preparation and Practice:

  • Procrastinating on preparation.
  • Not scripting talks or timing them.
  • Not practicing delivery and not knowing what or how to say things.

Content and Structure Issues:

  • Having too much to say in too little time.
  • Struggling with structuring content effectively.
  • Not knowing how to find the core of the story or narrative.

Communication Challenges:

  • Stumbling over words and forgetting points.
  • Difficulty regulating the mood of the talk.
  • Mono-emotional delivery and lack of engaging body language.

Nervousness and Confidence:

  • Feeling anxious, nervous, stressed, or overwhelmed.
  • Struggling with imposter syndrome or feeling unprofessional.
  • Being shy or bashful, which affects interaction with the audience.

Audience Engagement and Impact:

  • Not knowing how to engage or interact with the audience.
  • Having a disengaged audience due to boring content or delivery.
  • Speaking in circles or going over allotted time.

Technical and Visual Presentation:

  • Having bad slide decks or lacking powerful visuals.
  • Not knowing how to present effectively to a camera.
  • Oversharing or being overconfident without proper preparation.

Michael helped the team at Evnex to develop our story and pitch for a live product launch. Michael was fun to work with, refreshingly direct and helped us to raise our game significantly.

The level of engagement and awareness of both my personal work and my organisation has sky-rocketed since working with him - and the results have been nothing short of amazing!

Michael is more than just a coach. He is a partner in your success, someone who is truly committed to helping you achieve your dreams, and my go-to coach for speaking and facilitation.

Photo credit by Nancy Zhoh

He opened my eyes to how much work goes on behind the scenes to deliver a world class talk that brings your listeners on a journey with you.

Success stories

We coach and train CEOs, celebrities, sales executives, tech giants, best-selling authors, professors, PhDs, and start-up founders to achieve outstanding results.

Increase in sales over 18 months
Increase in NPS (Net Promoter Score)
Generated over
In sales from a 5-minute talk
Generated over
From an online pitch
9 year
AOG contract
Was the
Highest scored
at a conference
The best
presentation of their life
Generated over
on YouTube
Most talked Tedx talk on the planet
as a Reseller
Best pitch
to over 900 investors
Secured a
US university
as a major client

About Michael

Business Storytelling Expert. Keynote Speaker. Executive Speaker Coach. Professor of Practice at the University of Canterbury, Communications & Training Specialist.

Having spent over two and half decades working within leadership development, Michael is the sought after high-performance coach to thousands of executives and leaders. 

An expert in storytelling, stage craft, charismatic leadership, and business storyselling. He is renowned for helping people achieve powerful results from their keynotes, sales pitches, capital raises, and formal presentations. 

Michael has a resolute belief that mastery of ourselves is forged in the fiery crucible of practical application, self-analysis, self-discovery, and self-management. 

No other coach offers his credentials, experience, and singleness of purpose.

Another image of Michael Philpott

Here's how we can work together

"Michael has been the big boss and great help in helping unravel the stories and ideas in my head. I very much like Michaels teaching methods, he is straight to the point and doesn't beat around the bush."
Isaac Giesen
First New Zealander to solo row the Atlantic twice
Executive 1:1 Coaching
Experience one-on-one coaching tailored to elevate your leadership presence and communication skills. Designed to address your unique goals—whether enhancing charisma, refining speaking abilities, or mastering high-stakes presentations—this program offers focused support and guidance for executives seeking a private, personalised approach.
12 Hours of Personalised Coaching
6 Complimentary Session Adjustments
Script & Video Reviews
Comprehensive Research Support
Direct Access
* After the free changes, $500 change fee applies
Book A Call
"He's a real gem! Not only is he a high-quality expert in his field but a real genuine coach with a holistic approach to the world."
Kura Te Ua
Choreographer and Artistic Director
Investment Pitch Coaching
Deliver a powerful, polished pitch for investor presentations, tender bidding, or capital raising with our personalised one-on-one coaching. Elevate your speaking skills, boost leadership presence, and gain the confidence to make a lasting impression. Ideal for professionals seeking a private, tailored experience.
12 Hours of Personalised Coaching
Script Analysis & Feedback
Video Review & Presentation Enhancement
Thorough Research Support
On-Demand Access
Up to 6 Complimentary Scheduling Adjustments
* After the free changes, $500 change fee applies
Book A Call
"For anyone looking to improve their speaking or presentation skills I could not recommend Michael more highly!"
William Trubridge
World Champion and World Record Holding Freediver
In-House Group Coaching
Unlock your team’s potential with our in-house 6 hour group coaching program delivered over 6 weeks or 6 months—designed for organisations looking to develop their teams’ communication skills, enhance project presentations, or prepare speakers for an upcoming conference.
Perfect for:
Teams Preparing for High-Stakes Projects or Pitches
Conferences Seeking to Polish Speaker Skills
Organisations Looking to Build Communication Excellence
Book A Call
"His insight and guidance helped me get on the TEDx stage, and his coaching has taken my speaking to the next level. I'm stoked to now be a professional speaker with Celebrity Speakers NZ."
Nicola Turner
Director of Mainstream Green
Charismatic Leadership Mastermind
Our Charismatic Leadership Mastermind is a one-year, intensive program limited to only 12 exceptional leaders. Whether you’re a CEO, entrepreneur, or a high-level executive, this program will sharpen your skills and refine your leadership presence. You’ll learn to communicate with charisma and conviction, build deep trust, and present with unparalleled authority.
Why Join the Charismatic Leadership Mastermind?
Become a Larger-Than-Life Leader
Develop Unshakeable Confidence
Master the Art of Influence
Achieve Organisational Success
What you get?
Monthly 90-Minute Online Mastermind Sessions
Two In-Person Sessions (Day and a Half)
39 hours of learning
A community of like-minded people
Spaces are extremely limited. Apply now to secure your place in this exclusive program and take the first step toward becoming a truly charismatic leader.
Book A Call

Why Coaching

Coaching focuses on the way you speak, the language you choose to use, your natural ability to influence others, your unconscious mannerisms and behaviours that might be preventing you from being larger than life.

Working with Michael is easy and gets results!

He can guarantee that you’ll be better at pitching, presenting, public speaking, and presenting to camera than you would be without coaching.


Book a call

Get in touch with the team and let’s get you started.


Get a plan in place

We meet, we sit down and come up with a plan.


Achieve your goals

Become a larger-than-life leader and move mountains with your messaging.


Is it online or in-person?

If you’re in Christchurch we usually do the work in person. If you’re outside of Christchurch then we will do our coaching sessions online.

Can I book you for the day(s)?

Yes, we can clump your sessions together and I can do them in bulk.

Do you travel to coach?

Yes. Flights and accommodations are charged on top and are not included in the coaching fee.

Do you supply a venue for coaching?

No, we usually come to your workplace in a training room or board room that is reserved by you. You are responsible for finding/booking the practice space you need.

How long does is required to prepare a world class talk or presentation?

The global standard for preparation to deliver a world-class talk or presentation is calculated as:

  • Plan for one (1) hour of script writing for every minute of speaking.
  • Plan for forty-five (45) minutes of delivery practice for every minute of speaking.  

For example, if you have a ten (10) minute talk, you will need to plan for ten (10) hours of script writing and seven and a half (7.5) hours for delivery practice.

This ten (10) minute talk will require a total of seventeen and a half (17.5) hours preparation time.  

Coaching is on top of these hours.

Do you coach to camera?

Yes, I offer coaching specifically designed to enhance your on-camera presence and video presentation skills.  

My approach focuses on two main areas: presentation skills and environmental factors. Here’s what that looks like: 
1. Enhanced Presentation Skills:   
Drawing from the 12 Charismatic Leadership Tactics (CLTs) researched at the University of Lausanne, I help you elevate your communication and impact on video. These tactics, such as using metaphors, telling stories, and incorporating expressive gestures, have been proven to increase perceived leadership capability by up to 60%.   
We’ll start by working on three key non-verbal areas that show immediate results: 
• Animated voice: Learn to add variation and emotion to your voice for better audience engagement. 
• Facial expressions: Develop a greater range of expressions to convey emotions and connect more deeply with your viewers. 
• Gestures: Use hand and body movements effectively to emphasise your points. 
Additional techniques we cover include: 
- Increasing camera engagement to bring your videos to life. 
- Using emotional contrast to highlight key points. 
- Seamlessly co-presenting to camera for a polished and professional appearance. 
2. Enhanced Environmental Factors:   
We'll also refine the technical setup to ensure your environment supports your performance. This includes optimising your teleprompter use, adjusting lighting and sound to reduce distractions like echoes, and aligning your video backdrop with your message. 
If you’re looking to boost your on-camera skills and elevate your video content, I can guide you through every stage of the process to maximise your impact.

How coaching helps you stand out in business?

All of the people I’ve coached know or have come to learn the value of being seen as the face of an organisation.

They know that when they speak at events people will want to come and talk with them, and those conversations lead to opportunities that might not have happened if they were not on stage.  

They are held in high regard in their industry and on their subject. Their name and face are what appears on the list of conference speakers and that kind of marketing reach is priceless for them, their organisation, and their career.

Are you a script writer?

No, I’m not a script writer, and I believe it’s far more powerful to use your own words, so you will need to write a word for word script as we work together.

This will allow us to repeat and refine your words as we progress and capture the gold within your message.

If you require a script writer, I can recommend one for you.

Why use a speaker coach?

I’ve trained many high-profile people to not only become better at speaking, but to become more self-aware as leaders.  

In all situations, our message and delivery say we are either capable, cool calm and collected, likeable, approachable, trustworthy and inspiring.  

Or uncomfortable, unapproachable, cold and detached, and unapologetically incomprehensible.

Public forums are not the best place to discover which one of these two types of leaders you are being perceived as.  

You need a place where you can uncover your weak points in your speaking and your leadership perception.  

And you need someone who can be honest with you, you need to know you can do this safely, and that you can trust them.

My job is to help you find the core messages you are wanting to convey and then remove any of the barriers that get in the way of the message being clear and concise.  

This could include the way you speak, the language you choose to use, your natural ability to influence others, your unconscious mannerisms, behaviours and bias that are potentially preventing you from inspiring others.

With executive speaker coaching you’ll have a safe and confidential space where you’ll learn how to educate, engage, entertain and inspire any audience as you become more self-aware of your own areas for personal and professional improvement.

How do we practice delivery?

How we practice your delivery will be determined by the environment you will be ultimately delivering in. If it’s freestyle, fully open stage, we will practice using an area based on the researched of the presentation venue in advance.  

If it’s from a lectern we will practice based on where the lectern is positioned on the stage.  

If you’re using full notes, we will practice with a folder that I will recommend or supply.  

If you’re delivering online, we will practice to camera using your equipment that you will use for the live event.  

Practice includes the use of your clicker for your slides, and any other equipment you will need to be comfortable with for the event.  

The core foundation of our delivery practice will align to the 12 charismatic leadership tactics as researched at the University of Lausanne - you can find the link to the research HERE.

Where do we start with coaching for a talk, presentation or investment pitch?

In the first few sessions we focus on the design of your talk, presentation or investment pitch, this is the ideas and concepts stage. It’s helpful to either record the session on your phone audio or have a notepad to grab ideas and they start to flow.

I’m not a script writer, and I believe it’s far more powerful to use your own words, so you will need to write a word for word script as we work together. This will allow us to repeat and refine your words as we progress and capture the gold within your message.

I will ask you loads of questions from the perspective of someone who doesn’t know you or your subject. We identify a bunch of ideas, nothing is off limits, and no ideas are too wild, we go wide.

In doing this we go beyond what you may have thought was possible with your talk, presentation or pitch, this is where we find the bigger reason, the bigger idea, the more powerful message. The big problem that impacts us all. The idea that will make a difference in the lives of others.  

The personal story that defines who you are today based on the life choices you have made along the way, and the lessons you have learnt that will resonate with your entire audience.  

Through this process we will have a lot of possible directions and ideas, so we will then refine them to find your core message, this is where we go deep.  

This core message we have identified becomes the skeleton of your talk, presentation or pitch, you will need to work on the content development between our coaching sessions to add the layers of information.  

This is your area of expertise, your work, your story, your experience. The final outcome of your talk will be dependent on you putting time aside to do this work.  

How I work as a coach?

I’m tattooed, I swear, I have ADHD, and I have lived through and overcome a hefty class A drug addiction.

I’ve openly shared my story publicly in the hope that my openness about ADHD and addiction can inspire people to get diagnosed and start living a new life for themselves without fear of judgment.  

I learnt a lot about myself, and human behaviour based on how far people will go to minimise the pains of an unhappy and struggle-filled life.  

Our worst enemy and critic is most often ourselves. We can all do with a bit of calm and shelter from our inner storm.  

As Milton said in Paradise Lost, “Long is the way, and hard that out of hell leads up to light.”  

In my darkest hour I met my wife Astella, that moment was over 14 years ago, and, in an instant, I decided to change my life.  

I have deep love, admiration, and respect for all that she is and does. We have a combined passion for adventure that includes our work together in our business, including scuba diving, and motorcycle riding.  

On the business front, I take what I do very seriously. The outstanding outcomes achieved by my customers and clients speak for themselves.  

I have over twenty-five years of hands-on experience in my field and I’m a Professor Of Practice at the University Of Canterbury.  

I give 100% of my energy and effort to the people I work with, I am committed to doing everything I can to ensure you get the outcome you need.  

However, this doesn’t mean I fit with everyone as their coach, facilitator, speaker or trainer, and I’m ok with that. I suggest you do your own research and make an informed decision about your choice. As with anything, finding the right fit is important. And that fit goes both ways.

For leaders who are serious about speaking

Become a larger-than-life leader and win the hearts, minds, and wallets of any audience on any stage.

An image of Michael Philpott