What is good speaking?

Whether we like it or not we are constantly communicating. It’s in the clothes we wear, the shoes we choose, the way we speak, and the way we move. It’s in everything but what messages are we sending? Can there be a disconnect between our intention and our impact? I’ve created this resource to help you master your influence and persuasion, so you can harness the power of intention and impact.

This would be the minimum I would consider for a good speaker to be evaluated by:

  • stick to your allocated time
  • be respectful of everyone in your audience
  • put in the practice time and be prepared
  • avoid narcissistic tendencies both overt and covert
  • have a cohesive story line that is easy to follow
  • use simple language that is inclusive of the whole audience; and
  • seek honest feedback and continue to ask what can I do to be better


The formula for creating a great talk involves a combination of time, energy, and effort as well as an understanding of how people receive, process, store, and retrieve information. Throughout the design and crafting stages of your talk includes as many of the tools listed below as possible.


The design outline of a great talk is based on taking people on a journey through these three stages; what was, what is, and what could be. Following this design allows you to meet your audience where they are and invite them to come on the journey with you to a world filled with endless possibilities.


Before you craft your talk, you will benefit from considering these two key questions:

  1. What do you want to take away from your talk? and;
  2. What do you want your audience to do after your talk?

The 5 C’s

For a talk to have its greatest chance of hitting the mark and meeting your outcomes run it through the Five C’s:


It’s about tying the individual parts of the talk together so it creates a message that is fluid, easy to follow and understand. Focusing on ensuring the listener is going on a logical journey that makes sense to them.


Every talk has a motive; in other words you’re giving your talk for a reason. You want something from your talk and you want your audience to do something at the end of your talk. Ensure that you’re crafting your message in a way that compels your audience to be motivated to take action.


This is authority, convincing is bringing together as many of the weapons of influence as you can which includes ensuring that you portray authority through the examples of your talk whether it be through stats or alignment to other subject matter experts. Make sure that while you’re using authority you’re not doing it at the cost of liking, there is a fine balance between authority and liking so practicing in front of an objective person is key. Humans work on social proof. Social proof would be through examples of adoption by other people in authority or by mass population. Innovators generally fail because they lack social proof.


It’s about tying together your stage presence, authority, physiology, storyline and imagery - making sure all of the moving parts complement each other.


The difference between a good speaker and a GREAT speaker is a talk that combines all of the C’s.

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